Empatheatre is a research-based, theatre-making methodology that emerged from friendship and solidarity between artists, academic researchers and responsive citizens. The process begins with extensive action-based research in which co-participants and key partners work to identify matters of concern and a pressing central question.
Through these research explorations the team works iteratively to shape the research data into an engrossing, relevant and true-to-life theatrical experience. The theatre production offers new ways of seeing different perspectives on a complex situation, and above all honours the participants’ narratives. The script is first performed to participants and partners to check the credibility of the play.
Performances are then rolled out to strategic audiences. Audiences are made up of people with different levels of agency, power and privilege in relation to the matter of concern. Audience members are invited who hold diverse, even conflicting, views on the central concern represented in the play.
Post-play facilitated dialogues with the audience allow for another layer of reflexive data to emerge in relation to the issue of concern. In this way Empatheatre is a method of conducting and publicly interrogating research that democratises the way in which we surface and co-create knowledge.