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In collaboration with the Stockholm Resilience Centre and the Unruly Natures research project,  We proudly present a short season in the Cape Peninsula and at the Baxter theatre of their latest production UNRULY starring Andrew Buckland and double bassist Chantal Willie-Petersen. 

This acclaimed production, draws from research conducted by the Unruly Natures research project combined with Empatheatre’s own unique research and scripting approach, and follows events unfolding in the fictional town of Skemer Baai after the matriarch of the local baboon troop mysteriously vanishes. 

Tensions run high as baboon politics divides a community seeking answers, but the play also invites the audience to empathise with and interrogate the complexities from multiple perspectives - while exploring the Peninsula’s history and shared ecologies prone to wildfires, seas surges and messy human/animal relations. 

Buckland delivers a tour de force performance brimming with humour, compassion and his trademark physical theatre mastery and– in this revised version of the production–is joined by award- winning jazz performer and composer Chantal Willie-Petersen who accompanies him on the double bass. 

UNRULY has been carefully devised to inspire dialogue across varying conflicting viewpoints, interrogating the question: “How should we, as humans, act towards a nature that doesn’t always behave the way we expect it to?” 

Following the 90 minute show, attendees will have the opportunity to share their reflections and engage in discussions with both actors and researchers about how we might learn to live well together in a rapidly changing world.

UNRULY is produced by Empatheatre and directed by Neil Coppen who wrote the script in collaboration with Andrew Buckland and Dr Dylan McGarry. Lighting design is by Tina le Roux and set and costume by Dylan McGarry. Original Score is Braam DuToit and Chantal Willie-Petersen.

The Unruly Natures project is led by Dr Johan Enqvist in collaboration with Kinga Psiuk and Dr Luke Metelerkamp. It is funded by Formas, a Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development, through Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University.

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